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2008-09 Conservation Assistance Fund Summary

Cowichan Community Land Trust Society: Quamichan Lake (Duncan, BC) Riparian Covenants.

This covenant covers 17 lakefront lots in a new development along the shoreline of Quamichan Lake, near Duncan, BC. The covenanted area totals 1.5 hectares. Quamichan Lake is critical habitat for migratory waterfowl and some resident birds. Formerly an important fish-bearing lake, agricultural runoff and urban development have had a negative effect on water quality and ecology. The lake is the object of ongoing ecological restoration and protection through the efforts of the Quamichan Watershed Stewardship Group and Friends of Quamichan Lake, working with Fisheries & Oceans Canada and the BC Ministry of Environment. These covenants are critical to the continuing health of the lake and wildlife dependant on this riparian zone and are being used as a mechanism to ensure compliance to a higher standard than the provincial Riparian Area Regulations. Grant approved towards legal costs of registering the covenant.

Galiano Conservancy Association: Great Beaver Swamp (Galiano, BC) Boundary Adjustment

This is a boundary adjustment to an existing fee simple parcel covering 18.1 hectares adjacent to Pebble Beach Reserve, Galiano Island, BC, which comprises 135 hectares, and will consolidate the wetlands onto a parcel currently owned by Galiano Conservancy. This parcel contains significant wetlands identified by both the BC Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory and the Conservation Data Centre. Visiting biologists have noted the abundance and variety of amphibians present along with nesting wood ducks and other avian species. The Great Beaver Swamp (18 ha) and Laughlin Lake (11 ha) protects the headwaters for the streams passing through the Pebble Beach Reserve. The boundary adjustment increases the amount of land adjacent to the Reserve and increases the protection of the wetlands. It is expected that once the boundary adjustment is complete, a covenant will then be placed on this important wetland complex. Grant approved towards legal costs for the adjustment.

Denman Conservancy Association: Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserve (Denman Island) Covenants

These covenants cover 52 hectares of land on the West Coast of Denman Island, BC. The property provides a large array of habitat for wildlife and plant species, including a section of old growth Douglas fir, wetland areas, a beach and several identified rare plants. The property is contiguous (via undeveloped road allowances) with Graham Lake, one of two significant lakes on Denman Island. Graham Lake is a local water source for residents. The property is now owned by the Islands Trust Fund. Grant approved towards legal fees for registering the covenants.

TLC The Land Conservancy of BC: Kinghorn Property (Saanich, BC) Title Registration

This is a fee simple protected property covering 63 hectares in the District of Highlands, abutting Mount Work Regional Park, Saanich, BC. TLC is the current title holder, but the property will transfer in one year to CRD Parks for inclusion in the Mount Work Regional Park. TLC will hold a covenant on the property to ensure the use of the land remains as a nature park in perpetuity. The property is within the Coast Douglas Fir biogeoclimatic zone, known for rich biodiversity and which is under threat from urban development. It contains Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory including woodland, terrestrial herbaceous and older forest and the red-listed Arbutus-Manzanita plant community. This acquisition contributes greatly to a large contiguous protected area which, combined with the Mount Work Regional Park and Gowland Todd Provincial Park, amounts to over 2,000 hectares of protected land. Grant approved towards appraisal fees and legal costs.

Salt Spring Island Conservancy application, February, 2009: North View Place (Salt Spring Island) Title Registration

This is a fee simple donated property covering 7.1 hectares of protected lands in the North View Place region of Salt Spring Island, BC. This is a well-balanced, second growth Douglas fir eco-system, adjacent to known sharp-tail snake habitat. This reserve has particular value due to the scarcity of permanently protected land in the north end of the island. SSIC are currently working towards placing covenants on the property. Grants approved for legal fees for registration and towards the baseline inventory report.

NCC Nature Conservancy of Canada application, March 2009: Frolek Ranch (Kamloops, BC) Acquisition

This ranch land is a combination of 948 hectares fee simple acquisition and 2,220 hectares conservation covenant for a total of 3,168 ha of protected property near Kamloops, BC. The ranch is one of BC’s largest heritage ranching operations and has been actively ranched by the same family since 1904. The continuity of ownership has helped maintain many of the ranch’s conservation features. Key are the complete range of intact grassland ecosystems and the species associated with this type of habitat. These species include dozens of avian species, small and large terrestrial mammals, and numerous rare herbaceous species. It is one of three remaining Burrowing Owl sites in BC. The massive size and topographic variability and geographic location of this ranch provide a significant contribution to landscape connectivity. Adjacency to other protected lands such as the Lac du Bois and Roche Lake Provincial parks add to the conservation leverage this project provides. Grant approved towards appraisal, inventory and legal fees.

Baseline Inventory Services and Workshops

The Land Trust Alliance of BC is currently offering Baseline Inventory Services and Workshops to land trusts and other interested organizations. At reduced rates for our members, our baseline technician(s) can be contracted to perform baseline inventories and assessments, to help familiarize land trust staff and volunteers with current methods and practices appropriate for baseline inventories, and to help members with the registration of their properties in the BC Lands in Trust Registry. For more information contact the LTABC.

Group Insurance Program

The LTABC offers a group insurance program for land trust and associate members. You must be a member of LTABC to apply for this program which offers Director’s and Officer’s, Volunteer, and Property Insurance policies. Please contact us for more information.

Ecological Gifts Appraisal Assistance Program

Congratulations to our 2005-06 grant recipients:

  • Galiano Conservancy-mid-island Galiano, $2477
  • Islands Trust Fund – donation of Mt.Tramaton, Lasqueti Island $1560
  • The Nature Conservancy of Canada – Elk Valley covenant, Elk Valley $3000

The total value of these ecogifts were $7,342,000 protecting 3,023 hectares of land!

Congratulations to our 2004-05 grant recipients:

  • Nature Trust of British Columbia – Beatty Property, Gunboot Bay $3000
  • Salt Spring Island Conservancy – Martin Property, Salt Spring Island $3000
  • Islands Trust Fund – Morrison Covenant, Pender Island $3000

Grants for 2004-2006 were provided through the funding support of the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada in support of the Ecogifts Progam.

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