Standards & Practices for Land Trusts
Technical documents from the Canadian Land Trust Alliance:
- Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices 2005
- Standards and Practices Technical Update – June 2007
- S&P Background Technical Update – June 2007
What Your Land Trust Can Do?
If Land Trusts are to keep the public’s trust, we must act ethically and responsibly at all times. In 2005 the Land Trust Alliance of BC worked with advisors across the country and the newly forming Canadian Land Trust Alliance to revise the Land Trust Standards and Practices based on the Standards and Practices of the Land Trust Alliance of the United States. We strongly recommend the following course of action to all member land trusts:
- Download the Standards and Practices and Background Document and make a printed copy. Alternatively, you can order a printed set of both from our office for $10. This 2007 version has only a few technical changes from the 2005 version.
- Pass a motion to work toward these Standards.
- Get an account for the Land Trust Alliance BC Standards and Practices assessment tool.
- Use the Assessment Tool to track your Land Trust’s work towards meeting the Standards and Practices while, at the same time, evaluating the Standards and Practices themselves.
- When you feel your organization is in substantial compliance, pass a motion stating your intention to stay in compliance. Send a copy of the motion to the LTABC office.
- Suggested revisions to the Standards and Practices, based on the feedback we receive, will be considered at the LTABC Annual General Meeting.
If you have any questions or comments contact the LTABC.
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