What is a Land Trust?

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A Land Trust is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to the long-term protection of natural and/or cultural heritage. A land trust may own land itself, or it may enter into conservation covenants with property owners to protect or restore natural or heritage features on the owner’s land. Land trusts also engage in stewardship, restoration and management of lands. The words “land trust” and “conservancy” are often used interchangeably.

Land trusts are independent non-government organizations; however they frequently work in partnership with governments, other organizations, foundations, and businesses in achieving shared conservation goals.

About the Many Land Trusts Working in British Columbia

  • The largest and oldest land trust working in British Columbia is an international organization, Ducks Unlimited.
  • The Nature Conservancy of Canada is a national organization with significant activities in British Columbia.
  • We have one province-wide land trust: The Nature Trust of British Columbia focused mostly on habitat protection.
  • We have an additional 30 local land trusts working in many communities throughout the province.

Many of these land trusts work together on particular conservation or stewardship projects and campaigns. See the BC Lands in Trust Registry for secured lands, and see Current Campaigns for current projects you can help with.

The diverse ecology of British Columbia requires this diversity of organizations.

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About the Land Trust Alliance of BC