LTABC Applauds Federal Funding Initiative

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Future generations will thank us for protecting more of Canada.

BC Land Trusts protect some of Canada’s most important natural places

“Land trusts across BC and indeed across the country loudly applaud the Government of Canada’s commitment to nature and biodiversity conservation in Budget 2018. Canada is one of few remaining places on our planet with significant, intact natural areas, many of which are on private land in close proximity to urban centres” says Paul McNair, Executive Director of the Land Trust Alliance of BC.

McNair says that through community-based private land conservation, land trusts are uniquely positioned to leverage the government’s investment to help slow or reverse species declines, protect watersheds, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Today’s budget announcement that the Government of Canada is contributing $1.3 billion in funding for environmental projects is a significant commitment on their part to ensure our country is a leader in conservation,” adds McNair, noting that the new Nature Fund of $500 million will likely allow non-profits and community groups to continue their remarkable efforts in places like the Okanagan Valley, Salt Spring Island, Nanaimo and more than 30 other communities across BC.


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