Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change Through the Conservation of Nature
A landmark report authored by economic and climate change experts, Sara J. Wilson and Richard J. Hebda. Sara is a leading Canadian researcher on Ecological Economics, which is an emerging field that values nature’s services. Richard J. Hebda is the Curator of Botany and Earth History Royal BC Museum, an adjunct associate professor, Biology, Schools of Earth and Ocean Sciences and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria and a respected, published author and presenter on climate change.
This report clearly demonstrates that conserving land with healthy natural ecosystems is a cost effective and important strategy to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. The report concludes that the conservation of intact ecosystems for the numerous values and services they bring humans, in addition to providing habitats for wildlife, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and the health of communities needs to be a significant part of any climate change strategy for both mitigation and adaptation to changing climates.