Conserving BC's Future
The Land Trust Alliance fosters the land trust community, which protects and stewards British Columbia's natural and cultural heritage. LTABC acknowledges the Indigenous communities on whose ancestral and traditional lands our land trust members live and work.
Giving the Gift of Land
Talk to us about a property you would like to protect through a land donation or conservation covenant.
"LTABC plays a key role ...
in the sustainability of the province’s natural heritage. The work its members and volunteers do to protect the forests, wetlands, shorelines and lakes of British Columbia is an extraordinary example of community spirit and a source of inspiration for us all." -The Rt. Hon. Justin P.J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada

Twenty-seven Years of Serving BC’s Conservation Community

Land Trusts Formed
0 million
Acres Protected
0 ,000
Donors, Volunteers, and Members


The work that Land Trust Alliance B.C. does would not be possible without the financial support of private donors. All donations help support activities directly related to making sure we can continue the work we do to protect and preserve forests, farmlands, grasslands, wetlands, gardens, and shorelines.

Form a Trust

Land Trusts are non-profit, charitable organizations committed to the long- term protection of natural and/or cultural heritage of lands. A land trust may own land itself, or it may enter into conservation covenants with property owners to protect or restore natural or heritage features on the owner’s land.

Join Us

Land Trust Alliance B.C. offers numerous membership plans to ensure that, regardless of a persons or an organizations access to disposable finances, there is a membership option which is right for it. Benefits of membership range from recognition on LTABC’s numerous advertising platforms and access to LTABC’s resource network to insurance incentives and LTABC voting privileges.

2025 Land Trust Awareness Campaign Launched

This campaign has been sponsored in part by –

Cossette, Envionment & Climate Change Canada, Province of British Columbia (BC Gaming Grant)

Throwing Shade (long version)

Throwing Shade (short version)

Contact Us

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We'll share conservation, education and event news relating to land trusts in BC and Alberta. Other features include a monthly LTABC Member Profile, and information about various organizations which provide grants and funding for land conservation and environmental projects.

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