For specific documents and publications please refer to our Resource & Publications section.

Together, conserving BC’s future


Communities living in balance with their natural systems and spaces.


Leadership that fosters and promotes the land trust community for the long term conservation of natural spaces and systems.

The Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia

Operational Plan February 2024 – February 2027

Goal 1

A. Provide support to LTABC member land trusts by providing Programs and Services.


  1. Identify funding opportunities for our members, and support where possible.
  2. Serve as an essential communications and engagement link between BC land trusts.
  3. Continue to offer and explore opportunities for cooperative services that benefit our members.
  4. Strengthen communications and strategic partnerships with governments, land trusts, other land trust alliances, and funders.
  5. Develop, promote, and share conservation tools and resources to advance the work of member land trusts.

B. Provide support to LTABC member land trusts through compliance with the Canadian Land Trust Standards & Practices.


  1. Provide shared learning opportunities on best practices for land trusts and charitable organizations.
  2. Provide direct coaching and guidance to land trusts to support adoption and implementation of the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices.
  3. Recognize organizational achievements of member land trusts.


Communicate the values, significance and contributions of LTABC, the land trust community, and land conservation through engagement and education initiatives that increase awareness and support for land trusts.


  1. Complete and implement a multi-faceted engagement and marketing strategy that includes a program to communicate and collaborate with specific audiences.
  2. Develop a collective and inspiring communications message that effectively engages and widely celebrates the work of BC land trusts to the public.
  3. Become a recognized voice about land conservation issues in BC.


Provide a leadership role with BC’s First Nations and land trusts.


  1. Seek opportunities to engage Provincial First Nations organizations
  2. Facilitate knowledge and learning opportunities between First Nations and land trusts.


Operate an effective organization that has sufficient resources to achieve its mission and vision.


  1. Develop and implement a strategy for sustainable and diverse funding.
  2. Establish policies and adhere to best practices in governance to ensure accountability and responsibility to the board, staff, members and donors.





In April 2018, members of the Land Trust Alliance  of British Columbia voted to amend the constitution and bylws of LTABC to be in accordance with BC’s new Societies Act. The revised version is attached:






Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2023






An Early History of the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia

by Ben van Drimmelen, August 2020: a look back at the founding years and development of LTABC.

Read here.







Our new publication celebrates the accomplishments of LTABC and our 40 land trusts.

Download your copy here, or email to have a print version mailed to you.


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