In 2014, the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia embarked on an ambitious project known as the BC Conservation Toolkit. This project, identified by the Board of Directors in LTABC’s strategic plan, was designed to gather information on conservation in a simple, easy-to-use format for landowners, land trusts, professionals and municipalities. Focus groups, surveys, an advisory Board and individuals were engaged during the process which informed priority areas for the “toolkit.”
Initial work has been done on planned giving, legal resources and FAQ sheets on topics such as covenants. Natural Legacies is an ongoing project and will be added to as resources are identified and funding secured.
We are pleased to launch the initiative with the introduction of Green Legacies: A Donor’s Guide for BC. This is a joint effort by LTABC and Give Green Canada. Copies of this publication may be obtained by either contacting LTABC, accessing the ‘Legal Education’ page, or may be available online HERE.
In 2020, LTABC engaged a contractor who has produced a resource document for community land trusts to assist them in developing a basic Conservation plan, one capacity building component identified by land trusts. Read Developing a Conservation Plan: A Basic Guide for Land Trusts here.
Funding was secured through the generosity of:
- The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia
- The Vancouver Foundation
- The Victoria Foundation
- Environment Canada
- TIDES Canada
- The Law Foundation of British Columbia
- Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia
- Province of British Columbia