Photo of Alberta Farmland Trust
Alberta Farmland Trust

Alberta Farmland Trust is a charitable organization that collaborates with agricultural land owners to protect Alberta’s high-quality, food producing lands through conservation.

Photo of Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts
Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts

The Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts (ACLT)’s mission is to support and empower land trusts across Canada to be vibrant, unified and effective in advancing land conservation. The vision of the ACLT is protecting nature through the stewardship and conservation of our most vital landscapes in communities across Canada.

Photo of American Friends of Canadian Conservation
American Friends of Canadian Conservation

American Friends of Canadian Conservation (American Friends) is a US charity, created in 2006 to remove the legal and financial barriers to permanent protection of the portion of Canada’s natural legacy owned by US taxpayers.

Photo of Bow River Basin Council
Bow River Basin Council

The Bow River Basin Council (BRBC) is a collaborative and multi-stakeholder, charitable organization that is dedicated to conducting activities and programs that encourage and advance the enjoyment, learning, and protection of the waters of the Bow River Basin.

Photo of Bowen Island Conservancy
Bowen Island Conservancy

The Bowen Island Conservancy is committed to protecting and preserving the natural environment of the island—from endangered coastal bluffs to inland lakes to wetlands and fens. It is an all-volunteer organization with over 150 members, who either live on the island or have some sort of close connection with it. The Conservancy is an eligible recipient of lands through the Ecological Gifts Program, and owns and manages a 12 ha Nature Refuge on the southwest shore of Bowen Island.

Photo of Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC
Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC

The Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC is an environmental organization working to restore self sustaining populations of these tiny ground dwelling birds of prey to the southern interior grasslands of BC. Burrowing Owls are listed as a species at risk in Canada.

Photo of Calgary River Forum Society
Calgary River Forum Society

Calgary River Forum Society is a community-based non-profit promoting stewardship of Calgary’s rivers, creeks and wetlands through restoration, citizen science and education.

Photo of Central Okanagan Land Trust
Central Okanagan Land Trust

The Central Okanagan Land Trust (COLT) is the interior’s leading land conservation organization. For more than thirty years we have worked with our partners to acquire natural lands and wildlife habitat through purchase, donation, and conservation covenants.

Photo of Clear Sky Meditation and Study Foundation
Clear Sky Meditation and Study Foundation

We are dedicated to creating a space where all are welcome reconnect with nature and themselves. By offering meditation retreats in B.C., our mission is to empower you to transform struggle and embrace vitality.

Photo of Comox Valley Land Trust
Comox Valley Land Trust

The Comox Valley Land Trust is a community-based not-for-profit organization that works to protect and conserve the ecologically significant land and wildlife habitat of the Comox Valley region. Its team of dedicated volunteers and staff work with the community, local governments, individuals, land owners and other stewardship organizations.

Photo of Cowichan Community Land Trust
Cowichan Community Land Trust

The Cowichan Land Trust is a non-profit society located in Duncan, British Columbia. It was founded in 1995 by a group of concerned citizens who wished to help landowners find alternatives to the degradation of natural areas and wildlife habitat.

Photo of Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre
Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre

The Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre is an interpretive centre overlooking the Cowichan Estuary, a 400 hectare estuarine ecosystem and internationally designated Important Bird Area (IBA) in the unceded and traditional territory of the Quw’utsun people.  The Nature Centre provides programs and classes to children, youth and the public on the subjects of marine and bird life, the history of the Cowichan Estuary, and watersheds. Other work includes protection, restoration and enhancement of the Cowichan Estuary.

Photo of Cowichan Watershed Society
Cowichan Watershed Society

The Cowichan Watershed Society is a non-profit Society founded in 2014 to provide financial and administrative support for the work of the Cowichan Watershed Board. The Cowichan Watershed Board (CWB) is a local governance entity created in 2010 to promote water and watershed sustainability in the Cowichan/Koksilah watersheds, ancestral home of the Quw’utsun First Nation. Co-chaired by Cowichan Tribes and the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD), the Board represents a unique partnership between First Nations and local government. Through this model, Cowichan Tribes and the CVRD work together to advance whole-of-watershed health, demonstrating a commitment to moving down the path of reconciliation.

Photo of Denman Conservancy Association
Denman Conservancy Association

Denman Conservancy Association (DCA) was registered as a Society in May 1991 to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of the natural and human environment of Denman Island.

Photo of Ducks Unlimited British Columbia
Ducks Unlimited British Columbia

Ducks Unlimited BC works to conserve this province’s valuable wetlands so ducks, fish and people can use them for future generations.

Photo of Edmonton & Area Land Trust
Edmonton & Area Land Trust

The Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT) works to conserve and steward natural areas to benefit wildlife and people, and to educate the public to protect nature for future generations.

Photo of Elbow River Watershed Partnership
Elbow River Watershed Partnership

The Elbow River Watershed Partnership (ERWP) provides a forum for learning about watershed management and the land-water connection. Using local knowledge and scientific expertise, the ERWP promotes watershed management improvement through collaborative, targeted and cost-effective actions by citizens and stakeholders.

Photo of Elk Valley Regional Land Trust
Elk Valley Regional Land Trust

In 2019, the Elk Valley Regional Land Trust (EVRLT) was formed with the goal of preserving access to the lands of the Elk Valley for recreational and economic benefits for residents and visitors through the conservation of privately owned lands throughout the Elk Valley.

Photo of Foothills Land Trust
Foothills Land Trust

Foothills Land Trust (FLT) protects environmentally significant private land in Foothills County immediately southwest of the City of Calgary, an area subject to considerable development pressures.

Photo of Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society
Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society

The Forest Trust for the Children of Cortes Island Society is working towards acquisition and conservation of Children’s Forest, adjacent to Carrington Lagoon, Cortes Island. They deliver nature-based youth education programming, and conduct research to further the understanding of, and support the ecology of the Children’s Forest.

Photo of Fraser Valley Conservancy
Fraser Valley Conservancy

The Fraser Valley Conservancy (FVC) was established in 1998 as a non-profit society and federally registered charity to protect land and water for future generations. Since then we have secured over 30 acres of wildlife habitat containing woodland forest, mature forests, creeks and wetlands that protects our health for our future.

Photo of Friends of Cortes Island Society
Friends of Cortes Island Society

Friends of Cortes Island Society (FOCI) is a charitable organization that has been active for over 25 years. Its stewardship activities include habitat management, restoration and enhancement, and community engagement.

Photo of Gabriola Commons Foundation
Gabriola Commons Foundation

The Gabriola Commons is 26 acres of land and amenities that are managed sustainably to preserve the natural environment, enhance agriculture, and nurture community relationships.

Photo of Gabriola Land & Trails Trust
Gabriola Land & Trails Trust

The purpose of the Gabriola Land and Trails Trust is to secure, develop and sustain a network of parkland and trails on Gabriola Island for the benefit of the public, and to preserve sites of environmental, historical and social importance.

Photo of Galiano Conservancy Association
Galiano Conservancy Association

Based at the Millard Learning Centre, a 188-acre regional hub for ecological restoration, sustainable food systems, climate action, and nature-based learning, the Galiano Conservancy Association works to promote, steward, and restore local ecosystems by creating a network of natural areas where a healthy environment, learning, and a love of nature flourish.

Photo of Gambier Island Conservancy
Gambier Island Conservancy

The Conservancy was founded in 1995 to address mounting concerns about changes in Gambier’s natural habitat. Its members believe that enhanced public awareness and increased environmental knowledge are essential to sustainable development on the island – one of the most beautiful and unspoiled in the Georgia Basin.

Photo of Greenways Land Trust
Greenways Land Trust

Greenways’ mission is to restore, sustain, and protect our environment for the benefit of our community and its wild spaces, through stewardship, education and engagement.

Photo of Habitat Acquisition Trust
Habitat Acquisition Trust

Habitat Acquisition Trust is a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island. It envisions a future where the full array of natural habitats on south Vancouver Island and southern Gulf Islands is healthy and conserved.

Photo of Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation

HCTF is a non-profit charitable foundation acting as Trustee of the Habitat Conservation Trust. It is the mission of HCTF to improve the conservation outcomes of BC’s fish and wildlife, and the habitats in which they live. We make a difference by funding conservation projects and by educating and engaging the public about BC’s natural assets.

Photo of Islands Trust Conservancy
Islands Trust Conservancy

Islands Trust Conservancy is a land trust dedicated to preserving and protecting the fragile and unique ecosystems of the Islands Trust Area in the Salish Sea. This includes 450 islands between southern Vancouver Island, mainland British Columbia, and Howe Sound. Since 1990, we have protected 113 properties totaling over 1,375 hectares through conservation covenants and nature reserves. This success is thanks to the vision, support, and generosity of our partners and donors.

Photo of Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation
Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation

The Kiyooka Land Trust Foundation’s purpose is to conserve important wildlife habitat and to protect the ecological integrity of lands they hold in trust in the Robson Valley region. They also aim to provide educational opportunities for environmental stewardship,  and to nurture sustainable, resilient communities.

Photo of Land Trust Alliance of BC
Land Trust Alliance of BC

We are the Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia (LTABC) representing 33 land trust members across the province. Associate members (consultants, environmental groups and individuals) bring our total membership to one hundred. Since 1997 when LTABC was established, we have developed educational, research and resource programs that have helped conservation groups steward, protect and restore BC’s natural and cultural diversity. BC land trusts, with the help of generous donors and willing land owners, have now protected well over one million acres of significant land. You can become a member by clicking here.

Photo of Malaspina Land Conservancy Society
Malaspina Land Conservancy Society

Protection of natural, agricultural, recreational, historic, and scenic lands in the qathet, Powell River area of BC through the use of conservation covenants, land acquisition, and education.

Photo of Mayne Island Conservancy
Mayne Island Conservancy

Mayne Island Conservancy is an organization providing services and expertise related to land trusts, conservation science, and education to the community of Mayne Island and the broader region. We work with the community to conserve the ecology of Mayne Island and its surrounding waters for future generations.

Photo of Nanaimo & Area Land Trust
Nanaimo & Area Land Trust

Since 1995, NALT has been working to fulfill our mission – to support, promote and protect the natural values of land and water in our area. Building a culture of stewardship.

Photo of Nature Conservancy of Canada
Nature Conservancy of Canada

In BC NCC has completed more than 100 projects that protect almost 1 million acres (400,000 hectares) of the province’s most ecologically significant land and water. Today, the BC Region continues to work with our partners to protect and steward British Columbia’s natural heritage.

Photo of Nature Conservancy of the North Okanagan Society (NCNO)
Nature Conservancy of the North Okanagan Society (NCNO)

The Nature Conservancy of the North Okanagan Society (NCNO), previously named North Okanagan Parks and Natural Areas Trust (NOPNAT), was established in 2000 as a registered charity to receive donations and bequests of every kind, including properties and monies. The official name change to Nature Conservancy of the North Okanagan Society (NCNO) occurred in 2019 with the intent to simplify the vision of the society.

Photo of Nature Trust of British Columbia
Nature Trust of British Columbia

The Nature Trust of British Columbia is a leading non-profit land conservation organization based in BC. It acquires ecologically significant land and then cares for this land in order to protect the natural diversity of wildlife and plants, and their critical habitats.

Photo of Pender Islands Conservancy Association
Pender Islands Conservancy Association

The Pender Islands Conservancy Association is a registered land trust, committed to ecological conservation and stewardship through land acquisition and covenants. They are also engaged in many vital projects and activities related to restoration, research and monitoring of the land, Pender Islands’ shorelines and the surrounding waters, as well as community education and engagement in conservation. Many of their projects involve collaboration with other organizations concerned with the stewardship of vulnerable habitats around the Gulf Islands and the Salish Sea.

Photo of Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society
Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society

Quadra Island Conservancy and Stewardship Society is a non-profit based in the Discovery Islands on the unceded territory of the We Wai Kai, We Wai Kum, Xwémalhkwu, Klahoose, Tla’amin, and Comox Nations. Founded in 1990, we protect and care for the land by acquiring and protecting ecologically-sensitive properties, holding and monitoring conservation covenants, and engaging the community in hands-on habitat stewardship and ecological restoration in public green spaces.

Photo of Quw’utsun’ Cultural Connections Society
Quw’utsun’ Cultural Connections Society

The mission of the Quw’utsun’ Cultural Connections Society is to be guided and governed by Snuw’uy’ulh, the sacred laws that guide all aspects of life for the Quw’utsun’ hwulmuhw. This will be done through generations healing the past for the generations yet to come. We acknowledge the sense of emergency of these times and the actions needed for future generations.

Photo of Raincost Conservation Foundation
Raincost Conservation Foundation

Raincoast is a team of Conservationists and Scientists empowered by our research to protect the lands, water, and wildlife of coastal British Columbia.

Photo of Salt Spring Island Conservancy
Salt Spring Island Conservancy

The Salt Spring Island Conservancy protects and enhances the natural values of the island and its surrounding waters by acquiring land or covenants, and by educating landholders and the public toward improved land and water stewardship.

Photo of Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society
Salt Spring Island Water Preservation Society

SSIWPS advocates for preservation and protection of drinking water sources and watersheds on Salt Spring Island, through acquisition and stewardship of significant properties, research, field data collection, our citizen-science Freshwater Catalogue project, public education, collaboration with other environmental groups, and communication with government representatives regarding issues related to drinking water.

Photo of Savary Island Land Trust Society
Savary Island Land Trust Society

The Savary Island Land Trust Society (SILT) was established to preserve and protect natural areas and biological diversity on Savary Island for present and future generations. It believes in clean water, wildlife, wilderness and access to greenspace. SILT is dedicated to the preservation of natural areas and biological diversity on Savary Island now and forever.

Photo of Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society
Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society

Somenos Marsh is a wonderful wild area on southern Vancouver Island fringing both the Duncan and North Cowichan urban areas. In 1988 the BC Ministry of Environment identified Somenos as “one of the best places to view wildlife close to an urban centre.”

Photo of Southern Alberta Land Trust Society
Southern Alberta Land Trust Society

SALTS is a non-profit society with a simple vision: clean water, healthy natural habitats, and viable rural communities and ranches. We know all of these things can work together but it takes a shared vision and some focused effort. SALTS was founded on the belief that the most effective and lasting conservation solutions are created and maintained at the community and landowner level. Our job is to help landowners and communities implement those solutions.

Photo of Southern Interior Land Trust
Southern Interior Land Trust

The Southern Interior Land Trust is a volunteer based, non-profit land conservation organization based in the southern interior of BC. Our aim is to protect and conserve sensitive fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of all living things.

Photo of Sunshine Coast Conservation Association
Sunshine Coast Conservation Association

Formed in 1997, the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) is a registered non-profit charity volunteer association. We represent local conservation and community groups, and individual members working together to protect the biodiversity and integrity of our air, water, and forests on the Sunshine Coast. Sign up at to receive informational emails.

Photo of Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is an accessible green space in an urban landscape and includes two distinct ecosystems, a wetland around Swan Lake and a rocky, Garry oak-forest on top of Christmas Hill. Both habitats are home to an incredible array of rare and threatened native plants and wild animals.

Photo of Thetis Island Nature Conservancy
Thetis Island Nature Conservancy

Thetis Island Nature Conservancy’s goals are nature education, conservation and stewardship of natural ecosystems, and promotion of community food security.

Photo of TLC The Land Conservancy
TLC The Land Conservancy

Usually known as TLC, The Land Conservancy is a non-profit, charitable Land Trust working throughout British Columbia. TLC protects important habitat for plants, animals and natural communities as well as properties with historical, cultural, scientific, scenic or compatible recreational value.

Photo of Tsolum River Restoration Society
Tsolum River Restoration Society

The Tsolum River Restoration Society provides stewardship and restoration of the Tsolum River and watershed, education, and habitat improvements, and encourages land conservation.

Photo of Valdes Island Conservancy
Valdes Island Conservancy

The Valdes Island Conservancy was founded on the beaches of the island on the Sunday of the BC Day long weekend in 2007. Its goal is to conserve and protect the existing biological and cultural communities of Valdes Island and its environs.

Photo of Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
Valhalla Foundation for Ecology

Stewarding nature sanctuaries located in the unceded territories of the Sinixt and Xeni Gwet’in Peoples.

Photo of Valhalla Wilderness Society
Valhalla Wilderness Society

Protection of wildlife and wilderness including large protection areas and adjacent private land.

Photo of West Coast Environmental Law
West Coast Environmental Law

West Coast Environmental Law works to transform the legal landscape by developing cutting-edge solutions to strengthen environmental laws, holding up and revitalizing Indigenous laws, and promoting legal assistance to communities to defend the environment.

Photo of Western Sky Land Trust Society
Western Sky Land Trust Society

Western Sky was created in the fall of 2005 at the request of Calgary region landowners and the general public who were concerned about the rate at which treasured landscapes were being lost. Forming an alliance with these landowners, and like-mind conservation organizations, private citizens, government and corporate partners, Western Sky began to conserve open space and natural areas in southern Alberta, particularly within the Calgary region.


Aqueduct Foundation is a public foundation that supports land conservation. They have experience in collaborating with land trusts in the protection of ecologically-sensitive land. As an interim owner, Aqueduct’s goal is to act as a bridge to preserve the land, until land trusts are ready to purchase the land, at cost, for long-term conservation purposes.

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