For over 25 years LTABC has provided support for BC Land Trusts as well as Associates from BC and Alberta. Our aim is to foster our dynamic land trust community which protects and stewards our collective natural and cultural heritage. Along with our comprehensive insurance and employee benefits programs, LTABC provides:
- communications through our monthly e-news and social media,
- learning opportunities through regular webinars and conferences,
- a vast array of information on our website such as Youth Engagement, Cross Border Conservation, and Forming a Land Trust,
- important tools like our Standards and Practices Assessment Tool, and Natural Legacies Toolkit,
- publications on various topics,
- policy development,
- National, Provincial, and Regional government outreach and partnerships,
- development and dissemination of research and resources.
Membership Structure and Annual Fees for 2025
Land Trust Organization – Voting:
Revenues under $100,000 – $500
Revenues $100,000-250,000 – $750
Revenues $250,000-500,000 – $1000
Revenues $500,000- $1 million – $1250
Revenues $1 million+ – $1500
Voting organizations are those which are constituted as Land Trust/Conservancy organizations and who conform to the Canadian Land Trusts Standards of Practice as defined by the Land Trust Alliance of BC.
LTABC Land Trust Fillable Membership Form
Associate Organizations – Non-voting – $500
LTABC Associate Fillable Membership Form
Corporate-Community Membership – Non-voting:
Level 1 – $1500
Level 2 – $1000
Level 3 – $500
LTABC Corporate-Community Fillable Membership Form
Individual Membership – Non-voting – $50
LTABC Individual Fillable Membership Form
For group insurance information, your membership must be current. Contact LTABC for more information.