Islands in the Salish Sea – A Community Atlas

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Islands in the Salish SeaEdited by Sheila Harrington and Judi Stevenson, Preface by Robert Bateman, Forward by Briony Penn, History by Kathy Dunster

Second Printing now available: A wider audience can now appreciate the love and painstaking work of over 3,000 islanders (in the Georgia Basin), from Saturna to Cortes. During a five-year period, The Islands in the Salish Sea Community Mapping Project engaged local groups to gather information on everything from oral history with elders to scientific data. More than 30 local artists brought these layers of accumulated information to life in vividly unique and extraordinary maps. The result is a powerful array of mixed media art forms reflecting not only the islands’ outstanding beauty, but also human elements of culture and diversity in a rapidly developing and fragile region.

The project was sponsored by the Land Trust Alliance of BC as a regional opportunity for local conservation and community groups to inventory, record, map and present the unique diversity that islanders in this vulnerable region value. The resulting maps not only helped protect some areas on the islands, but they also provide a broader public awareness of these islands’ natural & cultural heritage. The results are showcased in the atlas, along with accounts of how each map came to be. Additional chapters describe the origins and strengths of this new discipline, artistic community mapping, its purpose and success with conservation initiatives, the unfolding of the mapping project from first spark to proud finale and the history and character of the islands.

Retail Orders: usual industry discounts

  • On the islands: Contact LTABC
  • Outside the islands – Contact

Direct Orders from LTABC: $45 ($32 for LTABC members) plus shipping and handling

Funding agencies that supported the project include: The Real Estate Foundation of BC., Environment Canada, Parks Canada, The Islands Trust and Islands Trust Fund, The Bullitt Foundation, The Mountaineers Foundation, The Hamber Foundation, Tides Canada Foundation- Endswell Fund, Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, The Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative, Salt Spring Island Conservancy and Opus Framing and Art Supplies.

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