A NOTE ABOUT OUR WEBINARS: We produce these webinars for free for our land trust members. For non-members we charge $49 per webinar (this includes attending the live event and watching the recording). Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for more information.


LTABC Webinars 2024

Join LTABC Executive Director, Paul McNair, for our October webinar.

Municipal Protected Areas Program (MPAP)

LTABC has released a Municipal Handbook for Councillors across the province outlining the role of land trusts and how municipalities can support your conservation efforts. This session will present both this handbook and a NEW LAND TRUST HANDBOOK to engage municipalities and promote LTABC’s initiative to have the Province of BC enact legislation to allow Council’s to adopt tax incentives at the community level. With a newly elected provincial government land trust staff and Boards will be given tools to garner both municipal and provincial support.

Standards & Practices Self-Assessment Tool

LTABC and its partners, ACLT, OLTA and RMN have – with the financial support of Environment and Climate Change Canada – developed a new interactive and robust online self-assessment tool that will officially launch on November 4. This session will showcase the tool, its benefits and how your land trust can increase its capacity and governance through a shared nation-wide portal.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



Join us for an insightful and interactive webinar focused on enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within the land conservation sector. This webinar aims to provide an introduction to EDI, addressing barriers within the Land Trust sector for equity deserving groups and some practical starting points for advancing EDI within your organization.

Patricia Wilson is an environmentalist, community leader and social justice advocate who is passionate about diversifying the environmental field and advocates for proper representation and inclusivity in this sector. In 2021 Patricia founded Diverse Nature Collective (DNC) – a grassroots social enterprise that works to empower, mobilize and create space for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour within the environmental movement and reduce barriers to racialized folks in accessing nature.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode and PDF presentation.

Conservation Covenants are valuable land trust assets, but they are also contracts with current and future landowners. Over time there will be requests for amendments to those contracts. There will also be enforcement challenges and even the possibility of disposition or termination of your covenants. Do you know how to proceed in the face of these challenges?  Do you have the necessary policy guidance in place? In this webinar we will share experience and lessons learned as land trusts and land owners begin to wrestle with these issues.

Paul Peterson is a lawyer with over 30 years of experience. He has provided legal services on land securement to land trust organizations, landowners, and governments, and advises land trusts on corporate organization, charitable law, donation receipts, and policy.

Will Thomson is a lawyer specializing in municipal law, land use planning, environmental law, and land development, with experience in both private practice and the public sector, representing various stakeholder in navigating complex land-related issues, including the use of conservation agreements.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode and PDF presentation.

This session is to review important basic rules for gifts and tax benefits and to apply those basic principles to Conservation Covenants.

While the land trusts do not provide tax, accounting or legal advice to the donors – the land trusts do issue the charitable donation receipts. What are your responsibilities when issuing donation receipts on gifts of covenants? How do you identify and account for “advantages” to the donor? And what are the basic tax benefits and consequences for the landowners and donors?

We will apply all of the above to the day to day land trust work of securing conservation covenants.

Paul Peterson is a lawyer with over 30 years of experience. He has provided legal services on land securement to land trust organizations, landowners, and governments, and advises land trusts on corporate organization, charitable law, donation receipts, and policy.

Will Thomson is a lawyer specializing in municipal law, land use planning, environmental law, and land development, with experience in both private practice and the public sector, representing various stakeholder in navigating complex land-related issues, including the use of conservation agreements.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



Thank you to all our exceptional attendees and speakers! We are so happy to have spent time with you all.

Below please find  PDF versions of the speaker presentations ~

Pre-conference Workshop: Engagement Organizing for Land Trusts, Renata Woodward, ACLT-ACOC

W̱SÁNEĆ Lands Trust Society An Introduction, Eryn Rogers and Joni Olsen, WLTS

TLC SISȻENEM, Frankie Iwachow, TLC

Approaches to Indigenous Engagement in CRD Conservation Initiatives, Caitlyn Vernon, CRD

ECCC in-depth session on appraisals  Ecological Gifts Program Guidelines for Appraisals  |  Ecological Gifts Program Handbook

How to build a highly profitable monthly giving program, Harvey McKinnon

11 Questions Every Donor Asks, Harvey McKinnon

American Friends of Canadian Conservation Presentation, Katie Blake, AFCC

ACLT Update Presentation, Renata Woodward and Max Fritz, ACLT-ACOC

NHCP-LTCF Presentation, Renata Woodward and Max Fritz, ACLT-ACOC

Municipal Protected Areas Project Presentation, Renata Woodward, ACLT and Brice Caillié, RMN

Municipal Protected Areas Project Presentation, Paul McNair, LTABC

Covenants! Justin Thompson, SALTS



LTABC Webinars 2023


A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode and PDF presentation.

Legal Expense – An overview of the coverage that a legal expense policy can provide. How it can help save time and cost with legal questions on contracts, employments issues and more as well as assistance should a legal issue arise.

Cyber Insurance – Look at the emerging risks in cyber and how cyber coverage can help protect your association.

Presented by: Heather Anderson, CAIB, CIP, CRM, Senior Client Executive, Employee Owner, Acera Insurance (formerly Megson FitzPatrick Insurance Services).

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode.

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) are a growing arena of land and water protection mechanisms led by Indigenous governing authorities who are taking actions to reassert stewardship over their territories for thriving future generations. This webinar will be an introduction to IPCAs and how allies can support these initiatives.

Presented by Navjot Jassar, a staff lawyer at West Coast Environmental Law. She works closely with and advises First Nations in implementing IPCAs grounded in their own distinct legal orders.

Find a list of resources related to this webinar here.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode and PDF presentation.

Uncover the fundraising tools you have access to and actionable insights for your land trust.

Key Takeaways:

  • How can I use CanadaHelps to improve my fundraising now and year-round?
  • Does my donation form follow best practices?
  • And more!

Presented by Nicole Lam, Charity Engagement Executive at CanadaHelps. Nicole is based in Vancouver and supports charities in Western Canada.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



A recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode and PDF presentation.


  • Types of forest carbon project activities;
  • How projects are implemented and the types of protocols that are followed;
  • The potential benefits of forest carbon projects for land trusts;
  • Examples of Inlandsis forest carbon projects with land trusts;
  • Examples of existing forest carbon projects in the Pacific Northwest;
  • The process towards starting and implementing a forest carbon project; and
  • A summary of project funding offered by Inlandsis.

Presented by:

Jack MacDonald, Special Advisor, Inlandsis Fund
Jack is a finance and commercial professional with over 20 years of international experience developing clean energy and emission reduction related businesses. He was CFO and Commercial Director of EcoSecurities, the world’s largest carbon offset company, where he led the IPO on the London AIM and the sale of the company to JP Morgan. Previously, Jack was an institutional equity capital markets trader at Sprott Securities (now Cormark).

About Inlandsis

Created in 2017, the Inlandsis Fund has been supported since the beginning by Fondaction and Priori-T Capital, both based in Montréal. For the purpose of managing the Inlandsis I and II funds, they created a new joint venture, Inlandsis ManagementCo. Inlandsis is the only Canadian fund, and one of the few worldwide, to exclusively finance carbon emission reductions. It offers a unique project financing solution that supplies initial capital in exchange for carbon credits — an innovation that is crucial to bringing numerous carbon emission reduction projects to fruition. The fund’s capital will be deployed in projects that generate credits on North American compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $49 all others



LTABC Autumn Webinars 2022

Presented by Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Robert Leece, Executive Director, Integrated Negotiations Branch

This presentation will provide an overview of the different ways that BC is working with First Nations to achieve reconciliation, including negotiating treaties and comprehensive reconciliation agreements. It will describe the importance of returning land to First Nations and the different types of agreements for land and resource management and shared decision-making. Robert has 20+ years’ experience in negotiations, natural resource policy and First Nations relations.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $40 all others

Recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode.


Presented by: David Cunnington, BC Ecological Gifts Program Coordinator & Darcy Henderson, Head, Stewardship Unit, ECCC

Darcy Henderson will describe CWS Grants and Contributions funding programs, including for Species at Risk, Protected Areas, and Natural Climate Solutions. Then David Cunnington will provide an overview of CWS’s Ecological Gifts Program, and provide an update about recent developments in the program.

Free to Land Trust Members & Associates / $40 all others

Recording of this webinar is available here. Contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for passcode.


LTABC 2022 Webinar Series

A brand new Webinar Series for 2022!

Our February 24 Webinar is now complete. Download the PDF presentation here.


LTABC 2021 Webinar Series

On the success of our 2021 Saving Land webinar series, LTABC is pleased to present informal webinars for our members throughout the year. Each session will feature a topic(s) of interest to the land trust community in BC. Each presentation will be followed by Q&A. If you would like to make a presentation or suggest a topic for discussion, please email paul@ltabc.ca or devofficer@ltabc.ca.

Webinar complete; download recording

Webinar Complete. Video available to view or download here; contact devofficer@ltabc.ca for the password.

Webinar Complete. View or download a PDF file of Jonathan’s presentation here.


April 29 Webinar – Resources:

Paul McNair‘s powerpoint presentation on the Standards and Practices Assessment Tool can be downloaded here.

David Cunnington‘s powerpoint presentation on The Ecological Gifts Program and the new Property Assessments on Conservation Lands document can be downloaded here.

Karen Kalynka‘s powerpoint presentation on her findings from the National Land Trusts Survey can be downloaded here.



February 9, Bob McLean, Centre for Land Conservation, Land Trusts Standards & Practices Presentation

  • link to presentation here

February 16, Leslie Ratley-Beach, Land Trust Alliance, LTA Legal Defense Fund

February 23, Heather Anderson, Megson Fitzpatrick Insurance, Protecting Your Board: D&O Insurance

  • link to slideshow here

March 2, Heather Anderson, Megson Fitzpatrick Insurance, Liability Updates for Land Trusts

  • link to slideshow here

March 9, A National Conversation

  • link to slideshow here

March 16, Tim Ennis, Baseline Data Reporting, Launch of LTABC’s New Resource

  • LTABC Baseline Documentation Report Annotated Template, word doc link here
  • link to slideshow here

March 23, Bruce Blackwell, Blackwell & Associates, FIRE! Natural Disaster Management

  • link to slideshow here

March 30, Bryn White, South Okanagan Conservation Fund, Local Conservation Funds in BC: Empowering and Enriching Local Communities

Saving Land is generously supported by NHCP/The Land Trust Conservation Fund, Megson Fitzpatrick Insurance and Frank Arnold, Raymond James



2019 Seminar Series: Making An Impact

November 4 & 5 2019 VICTORIA (registration form below)

Speakers and details coming soon!




























REGISTRATION FORM: 2019-seminar-registration-form-fillable-final

Canada Land Summit 2017

Victoria and LTABC are pleased to host the 2017 Land Summit from November 15 to 17. Speakers from all parts of Canada will join experts from the US to present an exceptional program on topics related to conservation, land trusts, the environment, grant writing, collaboration & partnerships, First Nations, and much more. The advance program is available in both English and French at the links below.  Full program now available!  Early bird registration ends October 4 2017.



2017 Land Summit (French)


Susan Howlett Grants: howlett-handouts-wed-afternoon

Susan Howlett Boards: howlett-handouts-boards-on-fire

Marc Smiley Philanthropy: smiley10culture-of-philanthropy



Sylvia Bates S&P: bates_1_landtruststandardsandpractices-2017-factsheet-003





Leanne Warman:  warmanbc_conservationareas_handout

Land Trusts Canada Update: land-trusts-canada-nov-17



Susan Howlett Workshop ONLY: howlett

To register, download this form and open in Acrobat Reader. The fields should be fillable. Please resave with your name or organization, and email to devofficer@ltabc.ca:  2017landsummitregfillable092717

Special thanks to our sponsors!




Habitat Conservation Trust Fund


Land Trust & Seminar Series 2016




Land Trust & Stewardship Seminar Series 2013

Covenant Management Workshop 2013


Land Trust & Stewardship Seminar Series 2012

2012 Seminar Program

2012 Seminar Series


Land Trust & Stewardship Seminar Series 2011

2011 Seminar Series Timetable


Land Trust & Stewardship Seminar Series 2010

“Building a Culture that Sustains Land”

We had 78 participants in this year’s Series, and by all reports so far, it was very successful. The additional new site visits (2) plus the full day workshop were beneficial. We had 19 people registered for the full day workshop with Kim Klein. Several participants reported that it was the most useful workshop they had ever attended. Eight people went to the Skaha Bluffs tour (excluding the 3 guides) plus eleven people went to the First Nations, and Okanagan River Restoration project.

Here are some testimonials:

  • “Thanks for creating such a great conference again this year! Best wishes” – Liz Webster, Executive Director, Savary Island Land Trust Society
  • “I thought the workshop went well – lots of interesting topics” – Wayne Stetski, Manager EKCP
  • “Just wanted to send you a note to say thank you for putting together a fantastic Seminar Series. I learned so much from the seminars, as well as from the conversations I had with the other attendees. This was the first time I was able to make it, and it was a great experience. I am feeling rejuvenated and connected and ready to get back to it. Congratulations on organizing such a worthwhile event!” – Laurie Parker, HAT
  • “I wanted to let you know that I thought the seminar series was excellent and was very pleased that I could be a part of it” – Jeff Ward

2009 BC Land Summit

The 2009 BC Land Summit was an interdisciplinary conference organized by six professional organizations, all of whom share ties to land use in BC.

Land Trust & Stewardship Seminar Series 2008

The Land Trust and Stewardship Seminar Series – a Great Success!

More than 70 people attended this inspiring and informative event. In addition to enjoying a wonderful sunny weekend at Manning Park, delegates benefited from many presentations and discussions on Impacts of Climate Change to Conservation Planning, Species at Risk, Working with local governments, Landowner Contact programs, Fundraising, Conservation Covenants, Water Protection, Acquisition Tips and much more. Evening speakers left the audience in awe of our wonderful diversity – including wonderful presentations by Ian McAllister on Wolves and Bears in the Great Bear Rainforest, Chief Joe Dennis of the Lower Similkameen, Hugh Westheuser on Polar Bears in the North, and stunning images by Chris Harris of the Chilcotin’s Grasslands.

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