Module Variations

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Module Variations allow you to individually style a module Enter any available suffixes at Extensions → Module Manager → Module → Module Class Suffix

There are 58 suffixes: basic box1-2, title1-3, rounded, square, dark10-95 and light10-95; nomargintop, nomarginbottom, nomarginright, nomarginleft, nopaddingtop, nopaddingbottom, nopaddingright and nopaddingleft; flush, flushtop and flushbottom; plus standardcase, uppercase and lowercase.

Note: You can compound multiple suffixes together such as dark10 nomarginleft standardcase flushbottom.

  • Basic: no module title or background styling
  • Title: 3 variations to change the module title.
  • Box: 2 variations to change the module background.
  • Dark10-95 (increments of 5): 18 variations to change the module background.
  • Light10-95 (increments of 5): 18 variations to change the module background.
  • Rounded: rounds the module corners.
  • Square: squares the module corners.
  • Standard/Upper/Lower Case: change the case of the module title.
  • NoMarginTop/Bottom/Left/Right: removes the various margins around the module.
  • NoPaddingTop/Bottom/Left/Right: removes the various paddings around the module
  • Flush/FlushTop/FlushBottom: removes the margin/padding around the module surround.
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