Art in the Alley
Land Trust Alliance of BC’s second annual Art in the Alley fundraiser was held in historic Chinatown’s Dragon Alley on Sunday, August 20th.
Land Trust Alliance of BC not only values environmental conservation but is a proud supporter of the arts community.
We were pleased with a turn out of over 800 people who walked through the alley and enjoyed the artist’s displays and live classical music.
We wish to thank all our participating artists:
Natalie Brake, Paul McNair, Lyle Schultz, Michel DeRochers, Ben Eastabrooks, Andrew Morris – painters
Dan Casey, Heather Vale – potters
Chris Allen – photographer
Working art:
Nathan NAZO Davis – graffiti
GJ Pearson – kinetic sculpture
Special thanks to Tovin Allers and Blythe Allers who provided wonderful musical accompaniment for the day!

Great press! A Canadian Flag which once hung at the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill in Ottawa graced the alley.

GJ Pearson (left) and Nathan NAZO Davis worked on pieces which will hang in Dragon Alley.

All the artists set up their beautiful work early in the morning. Tovin Allers and Blythe Allers, virtuoso brothers, enchanted guests and participants alike.

A view of beautiful Dragon Alley from above. Our executive director, and Dragon Alley artist, Paul McNair helps GJ Pearson with the wind-powered sculpture he created.