Core Programs

 In Articles


The BC Land Trust monthly E-news – communicating updates on news, events and funding deadlines to the conservation community and the public. The e-news is sent to all members and is linked from this website, facebook and twitter.

LAND Magazine

Produced once a year, LAND (formerly The Kingfisher) continues to be an essential educational resource for our growing membership and a promotional and marketing tool for the public who show an interest in stewardship and conservation in BC. All members receive a print copy by mail, the public may find copies distributed across BC. Deadlines for articles and advertising is July 30th

Financial Assistance

LTABC has arranged a Group Insurance Policy for land trusts. From time to time LTABC offers through the Conservation Assistance Fund a 50% subsidy toward costs associated with acquisitions and covenants: legal fees, appraisals, surveys, up to $3000.

Youth Engagement – Education & Awareness for Schools & Community Groups

LTABC provides programs for download that can be edited according to age group and appropriate audiences. These are updatd annually to reflect current ocnservation programs 

 Natural Legacies: Your Guide to Conserving Land in BC (formerly BC Conservation Toolkit)

Natural Legacies is a program of 4 components: Land Trusts, Land Owners, Professionals (Lawyers, Accountants, Financial Advisors) and Municipalities. The program has simple, easy-to-use FAQ sheets on numerous topics. This is an ongoing program of LTABC designed to provide accessible and up-to-date information for users.  

Policy Development to improve Legal and Tax Conservation Incentives and Legislation

LTABC works with partners across BC and Canada to increase tax incentives, funding programs and legislation that will increase conservation in BC and Canada. Our focus is on integrating Nature Conservation with Climate Action Plans and working with business and academic partners to ensure that Conservation and Carbon Offsets are included in programs. We are also working to have landowners with conservation covenants receive property tax deductions for covenants that restrict development.

Development and Dissemination of Research and Resources

We have undertaken specific research on conservation topics and created resources of interest to landowners, the general public, and government agencies. Please see the Resources page of the website for a current list of available publications & resources.

Professional Outreach

LTABC provides workshops, seminars and resources to professionals who advise or work with clients who can help conserve BC’s natural and cultural diversity. We will continue to provide workshops and articles for professional associations connected with land use – lawyers, gift planners, financial planners, accountants, realtors, etc.

National, Provincial and Regional Government Outreach and Partnerships

We work with national, provincial and regional partnerships, government agencies and organizations that are associated with land stewardship and conservation. These include the Canadian Land Trust Alliance, the BC Conservation Partnership, Provincial Environmental Organizations, Regional Conservation Partnerships and national, provincial and municipal government agencies.

Annual Seminar Series

According to our members, this is the most important program that we undertake. LTABC hosts a three-day professional development conference. The schedule includes field trips to local conservation projects, additional seminars and several outstanding keynote speakers. 

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