SILT’s 109 hectare Grand Forks Grassland property is within one of the rarest ecosystems in BC. Photo Al Peatt, Courtesy Southern Interior Land Trust

Conservation Options: Leaving a Conservation Legacy for the Future

Do you want to protect features on your land, conserve areas and retain ownership, or sell your property with some protection in place?


Land trusts and conservancies work with people who are interested in leaving a conservation legacy for the future. Do you want to protect a shoreline, native grasslands, a forest or a stream? Or, do you want to find creative solutions to promote ecologically sensitive agriculture, forestry or sustainable development? Land trusts also work to preserve our cultural and historic heritage as well as ensuring wildlife such as wild birds, mammals and rare species have secure homes for the future.

The decision to protect some aspect of the land you own is a personal decision, based on motivations that are unique to you and your situation. Some landholders want to protect the land’s natural or cultural features before passing it on to the next generation. Others may see conservation as a way to resolve property or potential income tax challenges. Other motivations may include ensuring privacy from neighbours or determining the future use of a property jointly-owned by members of an expanding family or community group. This guide is intended to provide some background information and a few examples of conservation options and the potential financial benefits.

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